Morgan Movie In Modern Drummer

Morgan Movie In Modern Drummer

Most everything I’ve released in the past 10 years has gotten some sort of mention in Modern Drummer Magazine. And there’s the latest. It’s nice to get some press for the movie (every little bit helps get Morgan’s name out there and sell a few more copies). But to be honest, this doesn’t have much tangible effect on anything. I know many people who actively (obsessively) chase this sort of thing in L.A., thinking that if they collect enough “delusion points” (reviews, endorsements) they’ll win some kind of prize. Still, it’s fun content for a blog post. And it gives me a chance to explain my point of view on hype and pseudo-events.


Morgan Ågren’s Conundrum: A Percussive Misadventure – Trailer from Carl King on Vimeo.

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