NEW CARL KING BOOK! Robots & Aliens: Deep Liner Notes (1996-1999)

Hello! For months, I’ve been writing a new book. It’s 126 pages long and it tells the story of recording the first Sir Millard Mulch CD: 50 Intellectually Stimulating Themes From A Cheap Amusement Park For Robots & Aliens, Vol. 1.

I call it “Deep Liner Notes” but it’s also a memoir.

It’s full of candid photos, handwritten music notation, crazy fliers and artwork, magazine clippings, and memories of my wildly creative friends. I talk all about my music college years in Florida, my mundane day jobs, and my personal brand of scrambled anxiety and pathological ambition.

AND my track-by-track observations… for all 53 TRACKS!

This is the story of a weird guy, and the weird environment his weird album emerged from.

This book is a PDF download and it’s ONLY available to my $5 and up Patreon Patrons.

Edited by Chris Higgins

Go get it:

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