Alan Moore – Writing For Comics

Alan Moore Writing

I took a long bicycle ride to the comic store today and picked up Alan Moore’s Writing For Comics. I’ll soon post my study notes.

It was almost 100 degrees today. I’ve been taking Peppermint Oil pills. They work wonders. Feeling healthy. I have my annual doctor’s checkup on Tuesday. Losing a little bit of weight. Looking good.

I took a couple of days off from freelancing this week and focused on getting my screenwriting going again. I’ve still been working on rewriting The Mysterious Octopus. I’ve contacted a couple of animators to get scenes created, in order to develop my Animation Screenwriting Reel. So far the response is good, and I will be able to afford it.

I’ve been paying off debt lately, which is helping my conscience. I have several personal loans, and I’m paying $25 a week towards each one.

For a couple of hours today, I had a completely empty Gmail Inbox. Such a good feeling to catch up with everything.

In addition to the Alan Moore book, I purchased Astonishing X-Men Volume 2 by Joss Whedon, and Wolverine Old Man Logan ($1 edition). I use these for studying.

Lately, my favorite writers are Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, and Joss Whedon. They have this organic way of writing. Joss Whedon is cinematic — it’s like watching a movie. I like how he leaves gaps and cuts between scenes. He tells stories very well without words.

I found out today that there is a TV Screenwriting All-Day Panel at the end of the month for $150 at the Writer’s Guild. I hope to go to that, and I hope to get my ticket before it sells out.

Ordered some vegan jogging shoes yesterday.

Watched Jerry Maguire a couple of days ago. What a great movie. Excellent script.

I need to get some substantial, original screenwriting done. It’s halfway through the year, and I promised myself I’d write a feature-length screenplay this summer. So far, I just have a lot of notes written down. I’ll get into my creative bubble tomorrow morning and get some work done.

Always remember: don’t get caught up in the daily grind. Insulate yourself. Build a bubble, no matter how small, and get into it every day.

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