Guest Vocals on New Öz Ürügülü – Fashion & Welfare CD

A while back I contributed some spoken word vocals to the new album by Öz Ürügülü, called Fashion & Welfare.

These guys are from Switzerland. The easiest way for me to describe their music is a hybrid of Secret Chiefs 3 and Steve Vai. And this record seems to have more orchestral bits than the previous, which intimidates me — in a good way.

Trivia: Their guitarist, Angelo Gwerder, has done a bunch of artwork for me in the past, including the Marco Minnemann Flying Saucer and the Morgan Agren Kickstarter T-Shirts. (So basically, he’s better than me at everything. I had no idea.)

Anyway, you can BUY IT IN MY SHOP as a CD or Digital Download.

PS: This weekend, I am offering DISCOUNT CODE “helpus” at checkout for 17% off your total order.


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